Friday, October 10, 2008

The home study is "mostly" complete....I am dropping off the letters of reference tomorrow and it will be off to the home study agency for draft review. Once I get my copy and everything looks good I can send it along to WACAP (my adoption agency). After all of the draft reviews, it will get final approval and be sent along to USCIS (immigration) where it will be reviewed yet again and I will hopefully receive my 171-H before the end of the year. Fingers crossed!

The waiting isn't driving us crazy ywt...I think that is primarily because as anxious as I am, I am hoping that the travel to Ethiopia happens in summertime so that we have plenty of time to enjoy our life as a family (I'm a teacher for those who didn't already know). Beth is also hoping to travel with me, and summer would make that much more feasible.

Soooooo we are anxiously waiting, but hoping and praying the timing is best for everyone.....

1 comment:

Kate said...

I'm definitely sending you the best possible wishes on all of this. :)